Confirmed Speakers for Invited Educational Lectures / Educational Objectives
Session: Spin Probes, Spin Traps, Spin Labels for EPR and DNP
Benoit Driesschaert (Morgantown, WV, USA)
Probing the local environment with stable triarylmethyl (TAM) radicals: what can be measured and best practices
Educational objectives:
Understanding the rational design of TAM radicals leading to their high stability, functional sensitivity, and in vivo toxicity profile.
TAM spin probes for the measurement of oxygen, pH, microviscosity, inorganic phosphate, redox, and bio-thiol concentration. Understanding which probes to use, best practices, and confounding factors.
Understanding which modes of delivery are available: Intra-venous, retro-orbital, intra-peritoneal, or intra-tissue injection, and how does the delivery mode influence the reported parameter?
Adam Sikora (Lodz, Poland)
Detection of peroxynitrite with the use of boronate probes - focus on free radical transient species
Educational objectives:
Basics of the chemistry of peroxynitrite
The concept of boronate redox probes
Reaction of boronate probes with peroxynitrite - formation of radical transient species
Spin trapping - towards the understanding of reaction mechanism
Looking for peroxynitrite fingerprints
Session: Macromolecules and Metal Proteins
Janet Lovett (St Andrews, UK)
The use of DEER and RIDME for measuring nanometre distances in biomacromolecules
Educational objectives:
To gain an understanding that EPR can measure nanometre scale distances and distributions between pairs of paramagnetic centres via their dipolar coupling.
To appreciate that the paramagnetic centres can be diverse and either intrinsic to the protein or positioned site-specifically using a variety of spin labelling methods, and that these can have properties that are tunable for the experiment at hand.
To realise the variety of pulsed EPR measurements available and to gain a deeper understanding of DEER and RIDME pulse experiments, including how data are analysed.
To see some recent applications of DEER and RIDME to diverse biological systems.
Ines Garcia Rubio (Zaragoza, Spain)
What can EPR tell about heme proteins?
Educational objectives:
CW signatures of the different spin states of Fe in hemeproteins
Sample preparation. Tips and pitfals.
Hyperfine structure. Mesurement and interpretation
Oxidative stress
Michael Davies (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Non ambiguous characterization of reactive free radicals with EPR
Educational objectives:
Advantages and disadvantages of different methods to detect reactive radicals in biological systems
Trapping of radicals with different spin traps
Methods to provide definitive assignments
Assessment of radical versus non-radical pathways: use of complementary (orthogonal) approaches
Technology and Instrumentation
Gunnar Jeschke (Zurich, Switzerland)
Instrumentation for and spin dynamics during frequency-swept pulses in EPR
Educational objectives:
How to achieve very broadband excitation of electron spins
How to achieve high spectral purity of excitation waveforms
Behavior of a single transition upon passage
Interference effects for connected transitions and how to take advantage of them
Dressed-spin excitation by phase-modulated irradiation
Mark Tseytlin (Morgantown, WV, USA)
Rapid Scan EPR: principles, instrumentation, and applications.
Educational objectives:
A brief introduction to the evolution of CW EPR
Digital EPR instrumentation
RS methodology and practical aspects of this technique, such as what types of probes and experiments it will be beneficial for.
4D and 5D RS EPR imaging and applications