Plenary lectures

Confirmed Speakers for Invited Plenary Lectures


Valérie Belle (Marseille, France)

Spin labels and EPR spectroscopy: A powerful association for macromolecules studies


Aharon Blank (Haifa, Israel)

Micro-resonators for Biological application of Electron Spin Resonance 


Martyna Elas (Krakow, Poland)

Combining EPR and Ultrasound in cancer imaging and therapy


Didier Gourier (Paris, France)

What can we learn from EPR about primitive life and its origin on Earth ?


Howard Halpern (Chicago, USA)

Achievement of biologic endpoints as validation of EPR pO2 images with standard and novel reconstruction algorithms


Hiroshi Hirata (Sapporo, Japan)

Technological advances in resonators for in vivo and clinical EPR


Martina Huber (Leiden, The Netherlands)

EPR of intrinsically disordered proteins and membrane proteins


Balaraman Kalyanaraman (Milwaukee, WI, USA)

Redox-crippled antioxidants in oxidative research: Disrupting the paradigm?


Murali Krishna (Bethesda, MD, USA)

Molecular Imaging of the Tumor Microenvironment


Periannan Kuppusamy (Hanover, NH, USA)

EPR oximetry in vivo: Mice to Men


Tadeusz Sarna (Krakow, Poland)

EPR study of the structure and basic properties of melanin pigments


Alexander Schnegg (Berlin, Germany)

Miniaturized EPR detection schemes towards pulse table top and in situ EPR applications


Harold M. Swartz (Hanover, NH, USA)

Clinical EPR: early days, past, present, future


François Trompier (Fontenay-aux-Roses, France)

Virtues of low and high frequencies for EPR dosimetry

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