Practical information for presentations

Instructions regarding the format of oral and poster presentations



The size of the poster boards is 180 cm (height) x 80 cm (wide).

Poster boards will be available to hang posters starting Monday 22 afternoon (at the time of the registration) and tapes will be provided. We ask that all posters are hung during the whole conference and remain on display until Friday 26 after the last session.

Two poster sessions are scheduled during the conference (1 hour 30 minutes for each session).

Posters assigned odd numbers will be presented in the Tuesday session while posters assigned even numbers will presented on Thursday.

You must be present at your poster during your assigned poster session.

It is always a good idea to prepare a brief 2-3 minutes presentation with the highlights of your research work. It will facilitate the discussions (and also the role of jury members who will evaluate the posters).

Posters will be also accessible during the coffee breaks to maximize the possibilities of interactions.


Oral presentations

The time for the presentations is 25 minutes (sharp) for plenary and educational lectures, and 15 minutes (sharp) for short talks, always followed by 5 minutes of Questions/Answers.

The chairs of the sessions will get instructions for the strict respect of the schedule.

Please use Power Point or PDF as a support for your presentation.

Please decline any conflict of interest before your presentation.

The filename of your presentation should be "Date of presentation-Last name of the presenter". Example "Monday-Swartz"


We have met a problem with the previous shared link.

Please put your presentation on a USB key and come with this key to the conference before the first session of the day of your presentation. Micael Hardy will load your presentation on the computer in the conference room. Check with thim that the information regarding your agreement/disagreement to diffuse your talk is correct. The diffusion will be restricted to people attending the EPR 2023 meeting.

15 minutes before your session, please present yourself to the chair of the session. Please familiarize yourself with the environment: slide transition, pointer, microphone. 


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